Real Life Super Hero Peyton Hillis Is In The ICU After Saving His Kids From Drowning In The Ocean

Talk about a real life super hero. Peyton Hillis apparently saw his kids drowning in the ocean and jumped in to save them. It sounds like the kids are OK but the heroic act sent Hillis to the ICU.

That has to be a top 10 scariest moment for a parent. I remember when my son was young and I used to let him take baths by himself. Every time there was even a minute of silence my heart would drop and I would literally sprint to the bathroom dreading what I might find. Thank god all I ever found was a shit ton of water all over the ground and soap bubbles all over the bathroom.

Now take that feeling and times it by THE FUCKING OCEAN. I'm not the least bit surprised that Peyton Hillis didn't hesitate and ran straight in to save their lives. The dude has always been a GI Joe style super hero. You want to see bad ass just watch these Hillis highlights from Arkansas.

And of course there was his NFL career where he broke every stereotype that would usually make people assume you will suck... body type, skin color, Cleveland Browns running back...and ran for 1177 yards and 11 touchdowns in 2010. The fans here in Cleveland adored that dude, and rightly so.

He ran for 184 yards and 2 TDS against a Bill Belichick defense that year! That's how insane 2010 was for him. 

His workman like attitude, his lunch pale running style, and his consistent production made him beloved in Cleveland. The guy was a mega star. So much so that Cleveland Browns fans absolutely bum rushed the Madden voting and got him on the cover for 2012. Haters will say he was the worst Madden cover boy ever but just look how bad ass this picture is…

So prayers up for Peyton Hillis. Heres to hoping he makes a full recovery and continues to put together one the most manly lives anyone on Earth has ever experienced. 

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